Monday, September 15, 2014

What is APICLI?

What is Asian Pacific Islander Community Leadership Institute

"APICLI is a innovative, year long program to develop your leadership skills and to meet other Asian and Pacific Islander leaders in Oregon who are committed to equity, empowerment and public advocacy."

What you'll get:

* Increase of your leadership skills
* Learn about the racial and ethnic disparities our communities face and what we can do about it
* Learn how to work effectively with other API communities
* Learn how to advocate for our communities and improve outcomes through policy change

The Community Leadership Institute will select 20+ API leaders from across the state to build an API network that has the capacity tot advocate on issues critical to the API community

The Program

Through a generous grant from the Meyer Memorial Trust, this program is free to accepted participants and includes a series of leadership trainings, a mentorship and networking program, and hands-on advocacy projects including an overnight retreat.

Community - Based

A steering committee of 8-10 API leaders will work with staff from the Asian Family Center and the Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO) to guide the planning of the workshop topics and to provide direction and feedback on the Advocacy Projects design.

If you are reading this and would like to be in touch with fellow API's of Oregon please subscribe to this group and or share your API input. Cohort's please request to be an "Author" to this site and share your perspective too.